2 minute read


Directions: Use a pencil to fill in the circle that has the same letter as the answer you have chosen.

1. Which is the most fertile area in Africa?

Ⓐ Congo Basin

Ⓑ Sahel

Ⓒ Atlas Mountains

Ⓓ Serengeti Plain

2. The process of deserts spreading into areas of fertile land is known as

Ⓐ population growth.

Ⓑ deforestation.

Ⓒ desertification.

Ⓓ genocide.

3. Which physical feature divides North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa?

Ⓐ the Nile River

Ⓑ Great Rift Valley

Ⓒ Kalahari Desert

Ⓓ Sahara Desert

4. The Bantu migration was so important to other regions of Sub-Saharan Africa because the Bantu introduced

Ⓐ agriculture and tool making.

Ⓑ the slave trade.

Ⓒ a writing system.

Ⓓ salt as a way to preserve food.

5. The government of South Africa created the policy of apartheid to

Ⓐ find jobs for black African workers.

Ⓑ give every citizen a small farm.

Ⓒ separate races and divide them into groups.

Ⓓ give all South Africans the right to vote.

Market Value of Economy by Type of Work 2005
Country Agriculture Industry Service
Source: 2006 CIA World Fact Book
Democratic Republic of Congo 55% 11% 34%
Djibouti 4% 16% 80%
Guinea-Bissau 62% 12% 26%
Nigeria 28% 49% 23%
South Africa 3% 30% 67%
World Average 4% 32% 64%

Base your answers for questions 6 and 7 on the chart above.

6. Which country in Africa has less agriculture market value than the world average?

Ⓐ South Africa

Ⓑ Guinea-Bisseau

Ⓒ Democratic Republic of Congo

Ⓓ Djibouti

7. Which two countries have the most industrial value?

Ⓐ Djibouti and South Africa

Ⓑ Guinea-Bissau and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Ⓒ Nigeria and South Africa

Ⓓ Djibouti and Guinea-Bissau

8. Based on the map and chart below, explain why Africa was an important continent to countries in Europe. Use your knowledge of social studies and information from the map and chart in your answer.

Africa portrait Historical Map: European Colonies in Africa, 1914

Major Exports of Twelve African Countries
Country Major Export
Botswana diamonds
Burundi coffee
Gambia peanuts
Guinea bauxite
Kenya tea
Nigeria oil
Malawi tobacco
Mauritius sugar
Niger uranium ore
South Africa gold
Sudan cotton
Zambia copper

Additional topics

History Reference: Ancient History & World HistoryThe Eastern Hemisphere - Africa