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Psittacosis, infectious atypical form of pneumonia caused by Chlamydia psittaci and transmitted by certain birds. Human infection usually occurs by inhaling dust from feathers or excreta of infected birds; it may also be transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected bird or, rarely, by cough droplets of infected bird or, rarely, by cough droplets of infected persons. The onset may be insidious or abrupt, with fever, chills, general malaise, and anorexia. The temperature gradually rises and a cough develops, initially dry but at times becoming mucopurulent. During the second week pneumonia and frank consolidation may occur with secondary purulent lung infection. Convalescence is gradual and may be prolonged, especially in severe cases. Tetracycline is an effective treatment.

See also: Pneumonia.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Providence to Rafflesia