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Pneumonia, inflammation and consolidation of lung tissue (giving it a solid consistency). It is usually caused by bacteria (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, Gram's stain negative bacilli); it results rarely from pure virus infection (influenza, measles); other varieties occur if food, secretions, or chemicals are aspirated or inhaled. In response to inflammation, lung tissue fills with exudate and pus, which may center on the bronchi (bronchopneumonia) or be restricted to a single lobe (lobar pneumonia). Cough, with yellow or green sputum (sometimes containing blood), fever, malaise, and breathlessness are common. The involvement of the pleural surfaces causes pleurisy. Antibiotics and physiotherapy are essential in treatment for the bacterial forms, which are generally the more severe.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Pimento to Popcorn