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Brazzaville (pop. 596,200), river port and capital of the Republic of the Congo, situated below the Stanley Pool on the right bank of the Congo River. Kinshasa lies on the other side of the pool. Brazzaville was formerly the capital of the French Equatorial Africa. It was the headquarters of the Free French in Africa during World War II and gained independence in 1960. Brazzaville has always been primarily a center of government and education, although since 1945 industries such as brewing, matchmaking, and sugar refining have become established. Contributing to this industrial development is the hydroelectric plant at the nearby Djoué Falls. The Center for Administrative and Advanced Technical Studies is located in Brazzaville.

See also: Congo.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Bounty, Mutiny on the to Buffalo Bill