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Douglas Stuart Moore

Moore, Douglas Stuart (1893–1969), U.S. composer and teacher. Most of his major works deal with American themes and people. In 1951 he won the Pulitzer Prize for music for Giants in the Earth, an opera about the difficulties faced by Norwegian farmers in the Dakotas in the 1800s. His other operas include The Devil and Daniel Webster (1939), set in New England, and The Ballad of Baby Doe (1956), set in Colorado. He also wrote orchestral pieces, such as Pageant of P.T. Barnum (1924) and Moby Dick (1928). He taught music at Columbia University. His book From Madrigal to Modern Music (1942), is a study of musical styles.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Mississippian to Mud hen