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Minoan civilization

Minoan civilization, Bronze Age culture that flourished on the island of Crete during the 3rd and 2nd millenniums B.C. The first great Aegean civilization—with cities, palaces, a highly developed art and architecture, writing, extensive trade, and complex religious beliefs—Minoan culture reached its high point c.2200–1500 B.C. The city of Cnossus on the north coast of Crete was its center, from which the Minoan fleet carried goods to Egypt, Syria, Phoenicia, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Greece. By c.1000 B.C. Minoan civilization had declined, and its remains were incorporated by Greece. The word “Minoan” comes from the legendary King Minos, who was said to have ruled in Cnossus.

See also: Crete; Greece, Ancient.

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