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Long, powerful political family in Louisiana history. Huey Pierce Long (1893–1935), known as “Kingfish,” was elected both governor (1928–31) and U.S. senator (from 1930). A radical advocate of social reforms who gained national renown for his “Share-the-Wealth” programs and his corrupt and demagogic methods, he was assassinated by a political enemy, Dr. Carl A. Weiss, in Sept. 1935. Russell Billie Long (1918– ), a son of Huey, served in the U.S. Senate from 1948 to 1987. Earl Kemp Long (1895–1960), younger brother of Huey, was governor of Louisiana three times. George Shannon Long (1883–1958), older brother of Huey, served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1953.

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