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La Follette

La Follette, family name of 2 generations of influential U.S. politicians from Wisconsin. Robert Marion La Follette, Sr. (1855–1925) was a U.S. statesman and reform legislator. He served in the House of Representatives, 1885–91. As Wisconsin governor (1901–6), he was supported by progressive Republicans, and initiated the “Wisconsin idea” reform program, proposing direct primaries and a state civil service. He served as U.S. senator, 1906–25, during which time he founded the Progressive Party, opposed U.S. entry to World War I and the League of Nations, and ran unsuccessfully for president in 1924. One son, Robert Marion La Follette, Jr. (1895–1965), was U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1925–47) and another, Philip Fox La Follette (1897–1965), was governor of Wisconsin (1931–33, 1935–39).

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