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Kashmir, disputed territory in southern Asia, administered since 1972 as the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir (capital: Srinagar; 54,000 sq mi/139,000 sq km) and the Pakistani Azad Kasmir (capital: Muzafarabad; 32,000 sq mi/82,900 sq km), bordering China. This beautiful region, which includes sections of the Himalayan and Karakorum mountain ranges, centers around the Vale of Kashmir, the agricultural area where rice and wheat are grown, fed by the Jhelum River. After years of rule by Hindus and Buddhists, Islam took hold in the late 14th century, and Kashmir became part of the Mogul empire (1586). In the mid-19th century the British restored Hindu rule. Since India's partition (1947) the territory has been the source of a dispute between India and Pakistan, with some interference from China (1959–63). Current boundaries were established in 1972. In 1996 the Indian government sent troops to fight armed movements such as the Hizbul-Mujahedeen and the Harkat-al-Ansar. In the same year, elections for a representative for the federal parliament took place. The elections caused turmoil when the Islamic parties called for a boycot of the elections whereas the government sometimes tried to force people to vote.

See also: India; Pakistan.

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