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F(rancis) Scott (Key) Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, F(rancis) Scott (Key) (1896–1940), U.S. novelist and short-story writer. The “spokesman” of the Jazz Age in the 1920s, he wrote about the frenetic life-style of the post-World War I generation and the spiritual bankruptcy of the so-called American Dream. His celebrated novel The Great Gatsby (1925) explores the ruthless society of the 1920s. Tender Is the Night (1934) draws upon the experience of American expatriates in Paris and upon the schizophrenic gaiety and breakdown of his wife, Zelda. The Last Tycoon (1941) is an unfinished work concerning Fitzgerald's final years, which were spent as a Hollywood scriptwriter.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Federalist, The to Forensic science