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UN Peacekeeping Forces

UN Peacekeeping Forces, multinational forces under UN command, deployed around the world since 1948 to settle conflicts between and within countries. Such forces include armed troops as well as unarmed observers monitoring the implementation of political agreements. Peacekeeping forces are put in place when requested by the countries in conflict, with the agreement of the UN Security Council; personnel is then supplied voluntarily by UN member states. Primary areas of activity have been the Congo, Central America, and the Middle East. UN forces have been active in the Israeli-Arab conflict and in conflicts between Iran and Iraq, India and Pakistan, and parties within Cyprus, Angola, Cambodia, Somalia, and former Yugoslavia. Particularly after the failures in Somalia and Yugoslavia, a debate has been brought on regarding the usefulness of peacekeeping operations. After the Cold War the number of peacekeeping operations has increased and, as a result, organizational and financial problems have increased as well.

See also: United Nations.

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