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Tokyo (pop. 7,927,100), capital of Japan. It lies at the head of Tokyo Bay on the southeastern coast of Honshu Island and contains over 10% of Japan's population. Founded in the 12th century as Edo, it became capital of the Tokugawa shoguns in 1603; it was renamed and made imperial capital in 1868. Reconstruction after earthquake and fire (1923) and the air raids of World War II transformed much of Tokyo. It is today a center of government, industry, finance, and education. The National Diet (parliament) meets here; most of Japan's great corporations have their head offices in the Maurunochi district; Tokyo University (founded 1877) is one of hundreds of educational institutions. Tokyo has many parks, museums, and temples, the Imperial Palace, and the Kabukiza theater. Industries (with large complexes to the west) include printing, shipbuilding, metal manufactures, automobile, chemicals, and textiles. The harbor and airport are Japan's busiest.

See also: Japan.

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