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Sir John Suckling

Suckling, Sir John (1609–42), poet and playwright. Suckling belonged to a troup known as the Cavalier poets, associated with the court of the British king Charles I. Born into a wealthy family in Middlesex, he was knighted at the age of 21 and became a familiar figure at court, where he was a colorful, witty, gallant character. Suckling was a friend of the king, whom he accompanied in the war against the Scots in 1639. In 1641 Suckling fled to Paris when he was suspected of taking part in a scheme to free the earl of Strafford from prison. He died shortly thereafter, perhaps by suicide. Suckling's works include the plays Aglaura (1637), a tragedy, and The Goblins (1638), a comedy. He also wrote A Session of Poets (1637), an entertaining verse about famous poets much admired by his contemporaries.

See also: Navy.

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