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Springfield (pop. 189,550), capital of Illinois. It lies near the Sangamon River in the central part of the state, c.100 mi (160 km) northeast of St. Louis, Mo. The economy of the city is based upon government, a variety of manufactures, and the marketing and processing of regional agricultural products. Springfield was founded in 1818, and in 1837 it became the capital of Illinois. Abraham Lincoln had come to Springfield that year, and he made the city his home until he became president in 1861. Lincoln, his wife, and 3 of their children are buried in the Lincoln Tomb State Memorial in Springfield, and the only house Lincoln ever owned is also preserved there as a memorial. Other Springfield landmarks include the old state capitol (1837–53), the new statehouse (1868–88), and the Centennial Building (1918–23) with its collection of Lincoln artifacts.

See also: Illinois.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Sour gum to Stereotyping