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Massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Day

Saint Bartholomew's Day, Massacre of, the killing of French Huguenots (Protestants) by Roman Catholics, beginning in Paris on Aug. 24, 1572. Jealous of the influence of the Huguenot admiral Coligny on her son King Charles IX, Catherine de Médicis plotted to assassinate him. When this failed, Catherine, fearing Huguenot reaction, persuaded Charles to order the deaths of all leading Huguenots. On the morning of St. Bartholomew's Day thousands were slaughtered. Despite government orders to stop, the murders continued in the provinces until October. The Wars of Religion (1562–98) resumed as a result.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Sade, Marquis de to Satire