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Russian Federation

Russian Federation, or Russia, largest country in the world. Its 6,592,850 sq mi (17,075,400 sq km) cover Asia's north and a major part of eastern Europe. The capital is Moscow. The federation consists of 21 republics, one autonomous province, 10 autonomous regions, and 55 dependent provinces. After the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 the federation replaced the Russian Federal Soviet Republic (RSFSR) and is considered to be successor to the USSR. (For history before 1991, see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Boris Yeltsin, who was president of the RSFSR since 1990, kept his position and replaced Gorbachev. Yeltsin faced severe economic crises and political division with respect to the future development of the country. The political division culminated in the temporary occupation of the Russian White House in 1993. Economic and political liberalization progressed slowly, and by the mid-1990s communism regained popularity. In March 1998, president Yeltsin dismissed the entire government, due to the fact that the economy had not improved. Yeltsin proposed Sergej Kirijenko as the new prime minister, the duma accepted after considerable protests.

See also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


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