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Otto, name of 4 Holy Roman Emperors. Otto I the Great (912–73) was founder and first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 962. King of Saxony from 936, he invaded Italy and declared himself king of the Lombards (951). He subdued the Poles and Bohemians and routed the Magyars of Hungary (955). Otto was crowned emperor in Rome for helping Pope John XII against an Italian king, Berengar II. Otto II (955–83) succeeded his father as emperor (973–83). He crushed the rebellion of Henry, duke of Bavaria, defeated the Danes (974), but failed to extend his empire in Italy and was badly defeated by the Saracens in southern Italy (982). Otto III (980–1002) succeeded his father as emperor (996–1002), after a regency. He planned to make Rome the capital of a vast theocratic empire. Otto IV (c.1174?–1218), emperor (1209–15), was excommunicated by Pope Innocent II for attempting to master parts of Italy (1210) and later deposed.

See also: Holy Roman Empire.

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