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Newspaper, daily or weekly publication of current domestic and foreign news. In 59 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered the daily publication of a newsheet, the Ada diurna. Johann Guttenberg's invention of movable type in the mid-15th century was an important step in the development of newspapers. The London Gazette (1665) was the first paper issued regularly in newspaper format. The first American paper was the Boston Newsletter (1704). James Gordon Bennett, Horace Greeley, and Adolph Ochs publishing daily penny papers, such as the New York Sun (1833), the New York Herald (1835), and the New York Times (1851). With the end of the Civil War, newspapers became increasingly sensational. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were czars of vast newspaper empires and important forces in international politics. Technological advances in the 1970s, such as photocomposition and satellites, have changed the industry.

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