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Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889–1964), first prime minister of independent India (1947–64). An English-educated lawyer, he embraced the cause of India's freedom after the British massacre of Indian nationalists at Amritsar (1919), becoming president of the Indian National Congress (1929). He spent most of 1930–36 in prison for his part in civil disobedience campaigns. During World War II he and Gandhi united in their opposition to aiding Britain unless India was freed. Released in 1945 after 3 year's imprisonment, Nehru began negotiations with Britain that culminated, in 1947, in the establishment of independent India. Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi was prime minister of India (1966–77 and 1980–84); his grandson became prime minister in 1984.

See also: India.

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