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Kenyon Review, The

Southern Review, Kenyon Review

a quarterly journal founded at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, in 1939 by John Crow Ransom, who edited it until 1959. His advisory editors were R. P. Blackmur, Allen Tate, Mark Van Doren, and Robert Penn Warren. Among the contributors of critical articles during the 1940s and 1950s, when the review was the pre-eminent organ of the New Criticism, were Cleanth Brooks, John Peale Bishop, William Empson, Harry Levin, and Yvor Winters. In addition to its primary concern with the textual analysis of poetry, it published essays on music, aesthetics, and the graphic and plastic arts in general. Following the closure of the Southern Review in 1942, Ransom arranged for its subscription list to be taken over by his magazine. The Kenyon Review was subsequently enlarged to accommodate samples of contemporary prose fiction and featured work by a number of the Southern Review's former writers. Its interest in poetry was, however, always more pronounced and work from Louis MacNeice, Marianne Moore, Delmore Schwartz, John Berryman, and other leading poets appeared regularly during its earlier years. The editorship was taken over in 1959 by Robie Macauley, who introduced a new emphasis on broader cultural commentary and increased the standard of prose fiction with work from contributors who included John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, and Flannery O'Connor. In 1970 the review was suspended, but resumed publication in 1979. Anthologies of material from the Kenyon Review appeared in 1951 and 1966.

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