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Magic Realism

Best Magic Realist BooksCarol Birch's Top 12 Magic Realist Books

Franz Kafka

The Trial (1925)

Alejo Carpentier

The Kingdom of This World (1949)

Jorge Luis Borges

Labyrinths (1953), or his Collected Fictions (1998)

Mikhail Bulgakov

The Master and Margarita (1966–7, in full in 1973)

Gabriel García Márquez

One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967)

Angela Carter

The Magic Toyshop (1967)

Flann O'Brien

The Third Policeman (1967)

Carlos Fuentes

Terra Nostra (1975)

Italo Calvino

If on a Winter's Night a Traveller (1979)

Salman Rushdie

Midnight's Children (1981)

Isabel Allende

The House of the Spirits (1982)

Milan Kundera

The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984)

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Literature Reference: American Literature, English Literature, Classics & Modern FictionAuthors on FictionMagic Realism: Carol Birch