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Sinclair, Upton (Beall)

(US, 1878–1968)

Throughout his life, Sinclair wrote at least ninety novels. His series of socialist pamphlets discussing aspects of American political society contributed to the genre of journalism known as ‘muckraking’. Seen by many as a prophet of social justice, Sinclair is best known for his novel The Jungle (1906), an exposé of the meatpacking industry. Dealing with corruption, exploitation, and horrific working conditions, The Jungle shocked many of its readers and influenced the implementation of the Pure Food Law. World's End (1940) is the first of eleven novels following the fortune of Lanny Budd as he travels around the Western world. The series is an epic portrayal of Western history from 1913 to 1949. The series ends with The Return of Lanny Budd (1953), and the third volume, Dragon's Teeth (1942), was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1943.

Émile Zola, Theodor Dreiser, George Gissing. See SOCIAL ISSUES  EW

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Literature Reference: American Literature, English Literature, Classics & Modern FictionBooks & Authors: Award-Winning Fiction (Sc-Tr)