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Blacksnake (Coluber constrictor), nonvenomous snake common in almost every part of the United States. One of the largest North American snakes, it is 4–7 ft (120–210 cm) long. The adult is a deep slate-black color, while the young are pale gray with grayish-brown patches. Sometimes known as the “racer,” this snake can move along the ground as fast as a running human can run and can climb trees with ease. Its food consists mainly of lizards, frogs, mice, and birds. The eggs, usually a dozen or more, are encased in a leathery shell. Also referred to as blacksnakes are the pilot black snake (Elaphe obsoletd) of North America and various black snakes of Australia (genus Pseudeschis).

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Black haw to Boulez, Pierre