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Osip Emilievich Mandelstam

Mandelstam, Osip Emilievich (1891–1938?), Russian poet. At first a member of the neoclassicist Acmeist school, he was arrested in 1934 and exiled until 1937. Rearrested in 1938, he reportedly died soon afterwards in a Siberian prison. His works include Stone (1913) and Tristia (1922). After his death his widow, Nadezhda Mandelstam (1899–1981), spent many years collecting his verse and smuggling it to the West. Her memoirs, Hope Against Hope (1970) and Hope Abandoned (1972), were powerful indictments of Stalinism.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Lyon, Mary to Manu