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Lagos (pop. 1,125,000), former capital and chief port of Nigeria, on the Gulf of Guinea (West Africa). The city occupies Lagos, Victoria, and Iddo islands, between the Bight of Benin and Lagos Lagoon, and also part of the mainland, where its main deepwater harbor and the terminal of the Lagos-Kano-Nguru railroad are located at Apapa. Lagos has been a trade center since the 15th century. It now handles most of Nigeria's seaborne exports, mainly palm products, peanuts, cocoa, tin, hides, and skins. Manufactures include textiles, furniture, and metal products. Its university (1962) specializes in law, medicine, and business administration.

See also: Nigeria.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Kitty Hawk to Lange, David Russell