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Ruhollah Khomeini

Khomeini, Ruhollah (Ruhollah Moussavi; 1900?–89), spiritual and political leader of Iran, 1979–89. Khomeini received the title Ayatollah (Persian, “reflection” or “sign”) for achieving the highest status that can be bestowed upon a Shi'te Muslim. He was forced into exile in 1963 because of his opposition to the rule of the shah (king), Muhammad Reza Pahlevi. In exile in Turkey, Iraq, and France, he emerged as the leader of the anti-shah forces, which overthrew the Pahlevi regime. He returned to Iran in Jan. 1979 to become absolute leader of his new Islamic republic. He held U.S. hostages (1979–81) and waged war with Iraq (1980–88).

See also: Iran.

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