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Youngstown (pop. 115,436), city in northeastern Ohio, seat of Mahoning County, located on the Mahoning River near Pennsylvania. John Young bought the original land site in 1797. The area gradually became important for the production of iron with the opening of a nearby iron furnace (1805), the discovery of local coal for use in smelting, and the availability of Great Lakes iron ore via the Sault Ste. Marie Canal (1855). Youngstown's first steel mill opened in 1891, and the city was a leading steel center until dramatic declines in the steel industry forced closing of all its steel mills (1977–81). Aluminum, textile, and paper products, automotive parts, and other industries are still active. Among Youngstown's many city parks is its well-known Mill Creek Park.

See also: Ohio.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Yap Islands to Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma