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Weight control

Weight control, method by which a person maintains a healthy weight. The medical as well as social and emotional well-being of a person is based in part on the maintenance of proper weight. A person must take in 3,500 calories of food to gain 1 lb (0.45 kg). In turn the human body burns up calories during exercise. Therefore food intake and physical exercise are important factors in weight control. Not all weight gain is unhealthy, since exercise often encourages a gain in muscle mass and weight. However, too much weight, based on fat, can cause health problems and, in the extreme, obesity—a state of being extremely overweight. Some studies indicate that weight may be related to heredity. In general, underweight people are considered healthy as long as they do not have a disease or serious eating disorder and people who are somewhat overweight are also considered healthy if they maintain a balanced diet and exercise.

See also: Diet.

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