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Victor Emmanuel

Victor Emmanuel, name of 3 Italian kings. Victor Emmanuel 1(1759–1824) was king of Sardinia (1802–21). He recovered his mainland possessions after Napoleon I's fall (1814), but his harsh rule provoked a revolt in Piedmont led by the Carbonari, and he abdicated. Victor Emmanuel II (1820–78) was king of Sardinia (1849–61) and the first king of united Italy (1861–78). With the Conte di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi he played a major part in Italy's unification. Victor Emmanuel III (1869–1947) was king of Italy (1900–46), emperor of Ethiopia (1936–43), and king of Albania (1939–43). After appointing Benito Mussolini premier in 1922, he became a mere figurehead. His unpopular association with Fascism ultimately obliged him to abdicate.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - United Empire Loyalists to Victor Emmanuel