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Valley Forge

Valley Forge, area in Pennsylvania about 21 mi (34 km) north of Philadelphia where George Washington and his Revolutionary troops camped during the winter of 1777–78, often called “The Winter of Despair.” Washington had suffered defeats at Brandy wine and Germantown, Pa., and Philadelphia was under British control. The Continental Congress was unable to keep his troops supplied, and about 10,000 men endured cold and near starvation. Although publicly criticized for holding this position, Washington remained steadfast, and with Baron von Steuben, a Prussian military expert, reorganized the Continental Army. The soldiers were taught new drills and troop formations, and by winter's end the army was highly disciplined. Valley Forge National Historic Park now covers the campsite.

See also: Revolutionary War in America.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - United Empire Loyalists to Victor Emmanuel