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Somoza, Nicaraguan political family, 3 members of which controlled Nicaragua from 1936 to 1979. In 1936 Anastasio Somoza Garcia (1896–1956) deposed his uncle, President Juan Sacasa, and became president in a nepotistic dictatorship (1937–47; 1950–56) ending in assassination. He was succeeded by his son Luis Somoza Debayle (1922–67), who held formal office until 1963. In 1967 Anastasio's second son, Anastasio Somoza Debayle (1925–80), was elected president. Replaced by a puppet triumvirate in 1972, he retained control of the army and was reelected president in 1974. His corrupt rule led to a revolt in 1977 by leftist Sandinista guerrillas, who gradually gained broad support and forced him to flee into exile in Paraguay in 1979. A year later he was assassinated in Asunción.

See also: Nicaragua.

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