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Salish, group of Native American tribes of the U.S. Northwest and British Columbia, Canada. Two groups are distinguished. The Coast Salish, including the Quinault and Tillamook, traditionally lived by salmon fishing and hunting and gathering. The Interior Salish, including the Flathead, Spokan, and Wenatchee, lived east of the Cascade and Coast Range mountains. Those living nearest the Pacific were culturally much like the Coast Salish, while those living farther east lived much like the Plains tribes, hunting on horseback. At the time of the arrival of European settlers, many were fur trappers and traders. Most of those Salish living in the United States were moved to reservations in the mid-19th century. The Coast Salish now work largely in the fishing industry and in urban occupations, while Interior Salish are farmers, ranchers, and loggers.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Sade, Marquis de to Satire