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Nolan Ryan

Ryan, Nolan (1946– ), U.S. baseball player. Known for his blazing fastball (clocked at a record 100.8 mph/161.3 kmph), he is considered one of the greatest pitchers of all time. At the end of the 1990 season, Ryan had 302 career wins and held the records for career strikeouts (5,308), strikeouts in a single season (383 in 1973), and career no-hitters (6). He pitched his seventh no-hitter early in the 1991 season. Ryan played in the major leagues for the New York Mets (1966–71), California Angels (1972–79), Houston Astros (1980–88), and Texas Rangers (1989– ).

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Romanesque art and architecture to Sadducees