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Rugby, ball game that originated (1823) at Rugby School in England during a soccer match. Somewhat similar to soccer and American football, rugby is played in two 40-minute halves on a field 75 yd (69m) wide by 160 yd (146 m) long. Goal lines are 100 yd (101 m) apart and there are 2 in-goals (equivalent to end zones in football). Each side, comprised of 15 in amateur play and 13 in Rugby league, attempts to move the oval, leather-covered ball beyond the opponents' goal; kicking, carrying, and passing the ball (to the side or rear) is permitted, as is tackling. Blocking, however, is not. Little protective equipment is worn and play is almost continuous.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Romanesque art and architecture to Sadducees