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Rhea, large flightless South American bird of the order Rheaformes. Closely resembling the ostrich, the rhea is smaller, with larger wings, more head and neck feathers, and 3 rather than 2 toes on each foot. Rheas generally stand 5 ft (1.5 m) tall and weigh up to 55 lb (25 kg). They are plains-dwellers in the temperate region south of the equator, usually flocking together in groups of 5–30. Often found grazing with cattle, they feed on leaves, roots, and insects. The male rhea digs a hole in the ground for a nest, where several females may lay as many as 30 eggs; the male sits on the eggs until they hatch.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Respiratory system to Roman Empire