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Gabriel Prosser

Prosser, Gabriel (c. 1775–1800), black American slave who planned a slave revolt in Virginia, intending to create an independent black state and to become its king. Prosser was born in Henrico County, Va., to an African woman. He was owned by Thomas H. Prosser. In the attack planned for Richmond, Virginia's capital, Prosser and his followers were to seize the arsenal and kill all whites except Frenchmen, Methodists, and Quakers. Then the rebels would proceed to take over the state. On Aug. 30, 1800, an army numbering 1,000–50,000 gathered outside Richmond. But heavy rain had washed out the bridges to the city, thwarting the army's approach. The revolt was doomed when two slaves betrayed the plot to their owner, who then informed Gov. James Monroe. Prosser and about 34 supporters were captured, tried, and hanged.

See also: Slavery.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Pope to Proverbs, Book of