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Polonium, chemical element, symbol Po; for physical constants see Periodic Table. Discovered by Marie Curie in 1898. Polonium was the first element to be discovered by virtue of its radioactivity. It occurs in pitchblende and other uranium minerals in minute amounts. The element is a decay product of radium and is also called Radium F. It is produced artificially by irradiating bismuth-210 with neutrons in a high-flux nuclear reactor. Polonium is a low-melting metalloid. It resembles tellurium and bismuth. Several compounds have been synthesized, including a polonide. Polonium-210 is a powerful α-emitter and is dangerous to handle even in small amounts. It is alloyed with beryllium as a neutron source. Polonium is used in devices for removing dust particles and static electricity. It is one of the most toxic substances known.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Pimento to Popcorn