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Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery, branch of surgery devoted to reconstruction or repair of deformity, surgical defect, or the results of injury. Using bone, cartilage, tendon, and skin from other parts of the body, or artificial substitutes, the surgeon can restore function and appearance in many cases. In skin grafting, the most common procedure, a piece of skin is cut, usually from the thigh, and stitched to the damaged area. Bone and cartilage (usually from the ribs or hips), or sometimes plastic, are used in cosmetic remodeling and facial reconstruction after injury. Congenital defects such as harelip and cleft palate can be treated in infancy. “Face lifting,” the cosmetic removal of excess fat and tightening of the skin, is a delicate and often unsuccessful operation, carrying the added risk of infection.

See also: Skin grafting.

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