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Ozone, O3, triatomic oxygen; a blue gas with a pungent odor. It is a very powerful oxidizing agent and decomposes rapidly above 212°F (100°C). The upper atmosphere contains a layer of ozone, formed when ultraviolet radiation acts on oxygen, that protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Ozone, made by subjecting oxygen to a high-voltage electric discharge, is used for killing germs, bleaching, removing unpleasant odors from food, and sterilizing water.

other bivalves are able to move by means of a muscular “foot,” oysters have lost this foot, and the animal lives cemented to a hard substrate of rocks or shells. Like all bivalves, oysters feed by removing suspended organic particles from a current of water drawn into the shell. Edible oysters are extensively fished and cultivated worldwide. The pearl oyster is a tropical species.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Olympic Mountains to Palermo