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Daniel Ortega

Ortega, Daniel (1945– ), revolutionary leader of the Sandinista National Liberation Front in Nicaragua (1984–1990). In 1979 Ortega removed A. Somoza-Debayle from power and took control of the government. He improved education and welfare services but controlled the press, and limited civil rights. The contras opposed Ortega's government and engaged in guerrilla warfare until a 1988 cease-fire. The United States cut back trade with Ortega, claiming he formed a Communist government. Lack of U.S. trade, the contra war, and ongoing welfare services presented overwhelming adverse conditions for Ortega, who was defeated by Violeta Chamorro in a general election in 1990. Ortega was reelected as secretary-general of the FSLN in 1994. In 1996 he lost the presidential elections.

See also: Nicaragua.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Olympic Mountains to Palermo