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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr.; 1947- ), U.S. basketball player. The 7-ft 2-in (218-cm) center is considered one of the greatest players of all time. Known for his “sky hook” jump shot, Abdul-Jabbar holds records in regular season scoring (38,387 points) and games played (1,560) and received the league's most-valuable-player award 6 times. After a successful college career at UCLA, he played for the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA (1969–1989). Abdul-Jabbar legally changed his name in 1971 after adopting the Muslim religion.

See also: Basketball.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - A to Akutagawa, Ryunosuke